
Happy GivingTuesday! Today, an anonymous donor has generously stepped forward to double the impact of your kindness by matching your gift, up to $50,000!  Your compassion has the power to make a significant difference in the lives of 1 in 10 Utah kids who are unsure of where their next meal will come from. Thanks […]

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Run with an Attitude of Gratitude at the 18th Annual Utah Human Race on Thanksgiving Morning!

It’s that time of year again! Dust off your running shoes, put on your most creative costumes and come together with nearly 5,000 Utahns on Thanksgiving morning for our 18th Annual Utah Human Race. This beloved family-friendly event promises not only an energetic race, but also a chance to give back by fighting hunger with […]

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Ensuring Utah Kids Have Access to Nutritious Meals When School is Out

For so many kids, summer means pools, sprinklers, and fun. But for a surprising number of Utah children–142,320 of them, in fact–summer means worrying about where their next meal will come from. When school is out, children lose access to school meal programs, and families must find a way to provide additional meals on already-tight […]

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Stamp Out Hunger

Letter carriers and hunger have one thing in common: neither is impacted by the season. With 1 in 9 Utah children facing the pain and stress of hunger — and 289,000 Utahns at risk of missing a meal today – the statewide Stamp Out Hunger® food drive is as critical as ever. Our partner agencies […]

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4 Ways to Get Involved in 2023 to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

Welcoming a new year is like an invitation for self-growth, and it’s a fresh start to better ourselves and our communities.  If you’re looking for opportunities to make a difference, here are four ways to keep that New Year’s Resolution that will impact hunger throughout Utah. 1. If you resolved to be more active… Volunteer […]

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Grocery Rescue – Caring for People and the Earth

Many factors are involved in the challenge of caring for our earth, but food waste is a significant factor in that equation. In fact, according to the United Nations Environment Programme, “Globally, if food waste could be represented as its own country, it would be the third-largest greenhouse gas emitter, behind China and the US.” […]

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Hunger is Scary

Halloween is just around the corner, and there are creepy decorations everywhere you look. Halloween is full of spooky fun, with ghosts and goblins and mummies and frights galore. It’s scary, but at the end of the day, it’s just pretend. The decorations come down, and the costumes come off. On the other hand, there’s […]

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Don’t Miss the Feed Utah Food Drive!

You don’t want to miss out on the 1st annual statewide Feed Utah food drive, so be sure to mark Saturday, March 20th at 9 am on your calendar! Due to COVID-19, it’s been a while since we’ve had the opportunity to participate in a statewide food drive, so we are excited to get back […]

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Driven to Celebrate $100,000 Donation Match!

Now through December 11th, the Miller family and the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies are supporting Utah Food Bank and families in need by collecting non-perishable food items at their car dealerships and Megaplex Theatres locations statewide, Vivint Arena, and Smith’s Ballpark as part of their Driven to Celebrate holiday campaign.   As part […]

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A Different Kind of Food Drive

How do you do a food drive in a time of social distancing? In the past, Utah Food Bank has received significant food donations from traditional food drives through community organizations, local businesses, churches, schools, and more. With large gatherings reduced, and so many of these services not happening right now, most food drives are […]

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