Soaring Costs of Back-to-School 

“While Utah’s economy has grown, many families still struggle to make ends meet. Employment statistics alone don’t tell the whole story. We see these hardworking individuals reaching out for assistance every day.”  […]

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Stamp Out Hunger

Letter carriers and hunger share a common trait: they both persist regardless of the season. With 1 in 10 Utah children experiencing the uncertainty of where their next meal is coming from, and 317,000 Utahns at risk of missing a meal today, the statewide Stamp Out Hunger® food drive on Saturday, May 11th remains as […]

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Addressing Childhood Hunger During Spring Break and Beyond

Spring Break is often a time of relaxation and a chance for families to unwind and escape the stresses of school. However, for many Utah children, this break from school also means a break from the reliable food they receive through school meal programs. As families struggle to provide additional meals on already tight budgets, […]

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Embracing Hope: Utah Food Bank Unveils New Pantries on Navajo Nation

Amidst remarks and traditional Navajo Blessings, two ribbon-cutting ceremonies unfolded, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the fight against hunger statewide. We are thrilled to announce the opening of two new pantries, each spanning an impressive 4,000 square feet, strategically located in Montezuma Creek and Monument Valley, on the Navajo Nation.   These […]

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Stamp Out Hunger

Letter carriers and hunger have one thing in common: neither is impacted by the season. With 1 in 9 Utah children facing the pain and stress of hunger — and 289,000 Utahns at risk of missing a meal today – the statewide Stamp Out Hunger® food drive is as critical as ever. Our partner agencies […]

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Utah Food Bank Awarded Top 100 WorkPlaces for Fourth Consecutive Year

Our Human Resources Team champions the overall health and well-being of the organization. By consciously creating a kind, fair, safe, inclusive and diverse environment, Utah Food Bank empowers our employees to care for others in our state who are facing food insecurity. […]

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4 Ways to Get Involved in 2023 to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

Welcoming a new year is like an invitation for self-growth, and it’s a fresh start to better ourselves and our communities.  If you’re looking for opportunities to make a difference, here are four ways to keep that New Year’s Resolution that will impact hunger throughout Utah. 1. If you resolved to be more active… Volunteer […]

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Spread Cheer – Volunteer!

Does it feel like Groundhog Day to you too? It’s tough right now – a lot of people are experiencing winter blues, with the added stress and anxiety of a pandemic that’s been going on for nearly two years. While there is no cure-all for the strain and isolation many of us are feeling, volunteering […]

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Come Volunteer!

Our work here at Utah Food Bank would not be possible without the efforts of thousands of volunteers each year — those who sort food in our warehouse, load neighbors’ cars at Mobile Pantries, stock shelves at traditional pantries, and countless other essential tasks. In fact, during the year before COVID-19, we benefited from 119,751 […]

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Fighting Hunger Among Senior Utahns

Utahns over 65 are a vulnerable population when it comes to the dangers of COVID-19, but many already faced the vulnerability of food insecurity. May is Older Americans Month, and while the month is nearly over, the unique difficulties that can come with aging are not. The number of food-insecure seniors will only expand as […]

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