Summer Business Food & Fund Drive
When: June 1 - August 31Hunger isn’t a crisis kids should have to worry about.
For families facing food insecurity, summer means one thing: hunger. They can no longer rely on school meals, and families who are already struggling have to try and find a way to ensure their kids don’t go to bed hungry. During this same period of increased demand, donations are often at their lowest as many people are focused on summer activities.
To help during this time of critical need, we encourage businesses and organizations of all shapes and sizes to organize creative and fun company-wide food and fund drives to help fill Utah Food Bank’s sparse summer shelves. We find that local businesses are a great source of support during this critical period because most businesses are still running at full capacity during these summer months. Food Drives may be conducted traditionally with a collection barrel or online with our DIY Fundraisers.
Whether you are able to give food, time or money (or all three), your support is greatly appreciated during the summer months!