The Soaring Costs of Poverty

Life is unpredictable. There are a million things that can – and do – go wrong. When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, like 63% of Americans do, there is no safety net. Any small bump in the road can be the catalyst for a major disaster. The smallest crisis can easily become the thing that […]

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Giving Tuesday Donation Match

Giving Tuesday is on December 1, and to celebrate, our generous friends at Delta Dental Community Care Foundation are matching gifts right now (up to $25,000), providing twice the help for families struggling to put food on the table. Since every $1 you give creates $8.03 worth of goods and services, just imagine the impact […]

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Hunger Action Day Donation Match!

Today is Hunger Action Day, a day where efforts across the country are focused for greater hunger-fighting impact. It’s part of Hunger Action Month, a time when people all over America stand against hunger. Sharing, fundraising, and donating are just a few ideas for taking action this month here in Utah. All month long, we’re honoring […]

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