Summer Business Food & Fund Drive

What is your kid doing this summer? Iker is waking up at 5 am to stand in line for food. The 9-year-old lives with his grandmother, 10-year-old sister, and 11-year-old brother. During the summer, they wake up early to go to the community center, where they receive food to last them the day.  “I’m a […]

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The Traumatic Mental Health Impact of Food Insecurity

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which makes it a great time to talk about the connection between food insecurity and poor mental health, something that we haven’t highlighted nearly enough in the past. Research shows that individuals reporting food insecurity are at an increased risk of mental illness. To make matters worse, this increased […]

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Celebrating Mothers & Lifting Others

“My mommy doesn’t eat.”   When a little girl said those words at one of our recent Mobile Pantry distributions, every single mother knew what she meant: Her mom doesn’t eat because there’s not enough food. She misses meals day after day, just so her kids can have something to eat. Right here in Utah, […]

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Grocery Rescue: Making Every Day Earth Day

Approximately 600,000 tons of food are wasted every year in Utah, while 511,000 Utahns don’t always have enough to eat – which makes Earth Day the perfect time to talk about our Grocery Rescue program.   Did you know the United States leads the world in food waste, with Americans discarding nearly 80 billion pounds […]

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Don’t Miss the Feed Utah Food Drive!

You don’t want to miss out on the 1st annual statewide Feed Utah food drive, so be sure to mark Saturday, March 20th at 9 am on your calendar! Due to COVID-19, it’s been a while since we’ve had the opportunity to participate in a statewide food drive, so we are excited to get back […]

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Thank you for your Support of the Holiday Food & Fund Drive!

Our Holiday Food & Fund Drive officially ends today, and we want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of support we received! The holiday season is a hectic time – there’s a flurry of things to do and a lot of things tugging for your attention. So thank […]

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Holiday Magic

If you’re looking for a way to spread cheer this Holiday Season, a great place to start is our annual Holiday Food & Fund Drive. You can help stock the shelves of Utah Food Bank and emergency food pantries statewide through the holidays and into the spring months. There are a multitude of ways to […]

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Driven to Celebrate $100,000 Donation Match!

Now through December 11th, the Miller family and the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies are supporting Utah Food Bank and families in need by collecting non-perishable food items at their car dealerships and Megaplex Theatres locations statewide, Vivint Arena, and Smith’s Ballpark as part of their Driven to Celebrate holiday campaign.   As part […]

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Giving Tuesday Donation Match

Giving Tuesday is on December 1, and to celebrate, our generous friends at Delta Dental Community Care Foundation are matching gifts right now (up to $25,000), providing twice the help for families struggling to put food on the table. Since every $1 you give creates $8.03 worth of goods and services, just imagine the impact […]

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Gratitude and Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday was born during the height of the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln designated the day to express appreciation for “the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.” The holiday looks different from family to family and culture to culture; for many, it means family time, way too much turkey and pie, […]

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