A $100,000 March Donation Match!

Great news! The George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation is offering a $100,000 match for the month of March! It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since the country shut down due to COVID-19. Over the past twelve months, the pandemic has pushed countless families into crisis, and the number of Utahns facing […]

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Don’t Miss the Feed Utah Food Drive!

You don’t want to miss out on the 1st annual statewide Feed Utah food drive, so be sure to mark Saturday, March 20th at 9 am on your calendar! Due to COVID-19, it’s been a while since we’ve had the opportunity to participate in a statewide food drive, so we are excited to get back […]

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Heat or Eat?

When the groundhog saw his shadow this year, he wasn’t messing around!  Bitter winter weather is gripping the country, even in places that don’t typically experience it. For Utahns, this means salting porches, driving more carefully, and bundling up a little more, but our lives typically don’t stop when it snows. However, while the groundhog […]

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Share Your Heart With Utahns Facing Hunger

February is a month to share your heart and your love with others. Why not consider sharing your heart with the tens of thousands of Utahns still struggling to get back on their feet after a tough year by signing up to become a sustaining donor? When you join the Meal Makers Monthly Giving Club, […]

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End of Year $100,000 Donation Match!

You can help us end this year with a BANG by participating in our end of year donation match, your last chance of the year to DOUBLE your impact! Each online donation made between December 28-31 will be doubled up to $100,000, thanks to a matching grant made possible by the Dan and Kim Huish […]

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Holiday Magic

If you’re looking for a way to spread cheer this Holiday Season, a great place to start is our annual Holiday Food & Fund Drive. You can help stock the shelves of Utah Food Bank and emergency food pantries statewide through the holidays and into the spring months. There are a multitude of ways to […]

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Giving Tuesday Donation Match

Giving Tuesday is on December 1, and to celebrate, our generous friends at Delta Dental Community Care Foundation are matching gifts right now (up to $25,000), providing twice the help for families struggling to put food on the table. Since every $1 you give creates $8.03 worth of goods and services, just imagine the impact […]

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Gratitude and Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday was born during the height of the Civil War when President Abraham Lincoln designated the day to express appreciation for “the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.” The holiday looks different from family to family and culture to culture; for many, it means family time, way too much turkey and pie, […]

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The Face of Hunger Could be Your Neighbor

Food insecurity is often impossible to identify from the outside. It can look like a family with three kids who have a house and two cars. But from the inside, one parent got laid off due to COVID-19, and now they’re having trouble making ends meet on just one income. It can look like the […]

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Run Here. Run There. Run Anywhere!

The Utah Human Race is a go!   COVID-19 has required us to make a lot of changes so that we can continue our mission of Fighting Hunger Statewide while also caring for the health of our volunteers, employees, and clients. That has included changes to our operations and many of our events, and the Utah Human […]

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